The wearing of school uniform is compulsory at St James Lutheran College. The uniform is available from Sauers Clothing located at 143 Old Maryborough, Pialba with off street parking available. They are open Monday to Friday, 8.30 am – 5.00 pm and Saturday mornings between 9am and 12 noon.
MySchool Connect
The College will be selling formal hats, sports bucket hats and socks through the MySchool Connect app. Login to the app and select the St James uniform icon and follow the steps. Once your purchase has been made, the items will be delivered to your child's classroom.

Parents are requested to buy the correct size for their child, so the uniform can be correctly worn and appear smart at all times e.g. boys’ shorts be worn on the waist, and girls’ skirts are also worn on the waist, and length (Secondary School) is to be on the knee. Parents are asked to name all items of clothing.
Wearing Uniform Outside of the College
When appearing in public, and on the way to and from school, it is expected that students will wear their uniform with pride, including the correct shoes and hat.
Hair/ Nails/Makeup
- Hair is to be neat and tidy.
- Hair needs to be pinned back off the face.
- Hair is to be the student’s natural colour.
- Hair below the collar is to be tied back.
- Hairstyles deemed extreme by the College are not permitted
- Facial hair is not permitted.
- Hair bands and clips are to be navy, dark green, gold, white or black.
- Fingernail polish is not allowed.
- Makeup is not allowed.
- No visible tattoos
Wearing of jewellery is to be limited to a watch, small cross and signet ring. Earrings are to be limited to one per ear and worn in the lower ear lobe. Earrings must be plain gold or silver studs or small sleepers. No other visible body piercings are allowed.
*Students may be asked to remove smart watches during some activities.
Casual Clothes Day Expectations
Students who choose to participate in casual clothes days must adhere to the following guidelines:
- smart casual clothes are to be worn that enable the student to participate in all usual curriculum activities.
- covered/closed footwear to be worn; no thongs or slip on shoes (toe and heel to be enclosed).
- no midriff, singlet or ‘strap’ tops.
- no inappropriate words, pictures or slogans on clothing.
- no revealing necklines.
- no ‘short’ shorts or mini skirts – length to be that of usual ‘skorts’ or school shorts.
- normal requirements for hair, jewellery and makeup.
- wide brim hat to be worn when out of the classroom.